ListenLayer allows you to easily track activity from your website chat tool. It’s easy to configure and requires no programming or ongoing maintenance. Once you have the basics of chat tracking, use ListenLayer’s more advanced features to enhance your data collection.
How to Track Website Chat Activity On Your Website
Tracking chat activity on your website is challenging! Some chat tools directly integrate Google Analytics, but what about your other marketing data platforms (Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn Ads, etc.)? And what if you want to segment your chat tracking based on support vs. sales or trigger conversions only if a user sends five messages? All of this is possible and very easy to deploy with ListenLayer.
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Easy and Powerful Conversion Tracking for Website Chat Tools
Steps & Code Examples
Step 1: Add Your Domain Name Inside ListenLayer
Step 1: Add Your Domain Name Inside ListenLayer
Navigate to the Website screen of your ListenLayer account and add your website domain name. Then copy the Website Script to place on your website using Google Tag Manager.
Step 2: Deploy Your ListenLayer Website Script
Step 2: Deploy Your ListenLayer Website Script
Create a Custom HTML Tag inside of Google Tag Manager that fires on All Pages. Place the tracking script from your ListenLayer account. A sample is shown here, but you must use the code from your account, not this example code!
<script type="text/javascript">(function(c,a,d,b,e) {c[b] = c[b] || [];
c=a.getElementsByTagName(d)[0];a=a.createElement(d);b="dataLayer"!= b ?"&l="+b:"";a.async = !0;
a.src = ""+e+b;
Step 3: Enable the Listener for Your Chat Tool
Step 3: Enable the Listener for Your Chat Tool
Enable the listener for your website chat tool by navigating to the Listener Library. Then turn on Chat Activity Features on the main Features screen for the Listener. Each feature corresponds to one or more data layer events that you can see on the Event Setting screen for the Listener.
Don’t forget to publish your ListenLayer changes!
Step 4: Create an Event Trigger
Step 4: Create an Event Trigger
Inside of Google Tag Manager, create a new Trigger and select the Custom Event trigger type. For the Event name, paste the name of the Chat Activity event pushed into the data layer that you want to use to track your chat conversions. You can find the names of the events that ListenLayer generates by navigating to Event Settings inside your chat Listener.
In this example, we are creating a “Chat Started” trigger for Hubspot Chat, so we are using the event name hschatStarted
Step 5: Set Your Conversion Tag Triggers
Step 5: Set Your Conversion Tag Triggers
In Google Tag Manager, set any chat conversion tags from your marketing platforms to use the trigger from the step above. Then publish or preview your GTM changes.
Now, whenever a chat begins, ListenLayer will push the event hschatStarted into the data layer. Google Tag Manager will read this and trigger the appropriate tags based on the activity.
Once you have the basics of Chat Tracking deployed, you can move to more advanced data layer features and customizations from ListenLayer!
Critical Screenshots
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See how easy (and powerful) ListenLayer is by opening an account today or requesting a demo.
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