LinkedIn Ads Data Collection Examples

ListenLayer automatically generates powerful data layers to enhance your LinkedIn Ads conversion & audience tracking. Check out the samples below and open a free account.

LinkedIn Ads Data Layer Examples

LinkedIn Ads becomes much more powerful when you begin to collect different conversions, categorized by characteristics, along with various values. This allows you to focus the optimization of different campaigns towards different targets. In addition, you can collect events that are not considered conversions but enhance your ability to understand the audience and visitors interacting with your search ads.

ListenLayer automates data collection using the data layer, and even allows you to write rules to customize your data. You’ll no longer need to manage URL-based “thank you page” rules to track all of your form submissions, and you can finally track video views and chat activity inside of LinkedIn Ads!


Important Notice!

While the following examples show actual code, ListenLayer requires no programming experience! We generate the following data layer values automatically so that you can capture them as variables for your conversion tracking - no coding required! Check out our examples and use cases to see how easy it is to implement and scale conversion tracking and web analytics.

Custom Triggers for Conversion Tracking

ListenLayer automatically generates powerful and accurate events inside the data layer, allowing you to create GTM triggers by simply referencing the event name.  Once these triggers are built, conversion data can be sent to LinkedIn Ads using a simple tag in GTM that leverages variables – you’ll never miss a conversion again!

This example shows events from our Gravity Forms Listener. Each Listener generates events unique to the application’s functionality.

event: 'gfFormSubmitted',

event: 'gfFormLoaded',

event: 'gfFormValidationFailed',

Automatic Data Layer Values

With each event generated by ListenLayer, we push powerful details about the user’s session and activity into the data layer. These become available as variables inside GTM.

Use these variables to modify triggers in GTM or enhance the data you collect using LinkedIn Ads custom event tagging.

event: 'gfFormStepChange',
  formAutomaticValues: {
    formID: '#gform_3',
    formFieldValues: {
      input_2: {
        id: 'input_3_2',
        label: 'Are you ready?',
        name: 'input_2',
        type: 'select-one',
        value: 'First Choice'
    formLocation: {
      href: '',
      host: '',
      hostname: '',
      pathname: '/gravity-step-form/',
      protocol: 'https:',
      originPathName: ''
    stepNumberCompleted: 4,
    stepNumberStart: 5,
    stepFinal: false

Custom Data Layer Values in GTM

With our powerful interface, marketers can write rules to generate custom data layer values – no programming required!

Now activity on your website can be categorized and organized exactly how you want it. Once you have your activity categorized, with assigned values, use GTM to send specific events to LinkedIn Ads for different types of conversions. Now you can segment conversions better to understand campaign quality and improve optimization.

formCustomValues: {
	//custom variable values display here based on rules you write
	formCategory: 'Demo',
	formName: 'Landing Page Demo Form',
	formQuality: 'Low'

Start Leveraging Custom Events for LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads allows you to send custom events into the advertising platform to create conversions and collect additional data about your visitors. Each custom event allows can be defined in the platform using characteristics, and LinkedIn will generate an “event-specific pixel” to track the activity.

Combining this with ListenLayer allows you to collect very powerful data for audience building, segmentation, and conversion tracking in LinkedIn Ads. For example, assign each of your forms to a category, capture this category in GTM, and use it to organize your conversions based on form-type.

In the example to the right, we have created event conversions for various forms and chat activities. Now any time a new form launches, we simply categorize it in ListenLayer (or automate the process through a hidden field!) and conversion tracking works without any changes required!