Get Started Capturing & Using Visitor Device Details
Place a single script on your website (using GTM or directly in your code) and turn on the User Device Listener. Then, every time a visitor begins a session on your website or application, we’ll push structured data about their device into the data layer.
Use ListenLayer to write powerful rules that customize your data and then leverage GTM to read the data layer and use it in your measurement strategy.
Once you realize the power of data layers from ListenLayer, you’ll never go back!
Why Get User Device In the Data Layer
Most marketers and website owners rely on Google Analytics to understand what devices users access content from; however, this data is isolated, anonymous, and only available hours after a session occurs.
Sometimes you need to know a user’s device immediately, right when they enter your website. You may use this to power your first-party analytics strategy, enrich our form submissions, or personalize your website experience.
How to Capture User's Device Into the Data Layer
No matter what you need to accomplish, ListenLayer makes it easy: simply flip on a switch, and user device details begin to appear in the data layer. You can write rules to enhance the data automatically or store it in the browser for longer persistence – no programming required.
Google Tag Manager runs on the data layer, so once the data is there, it’s easy to grab and use however you need!

Ready to Dive In?
See how easy (and powerful) ListenLayer is by opening an account today or requesting a demo.