The Most Accurate and Scalable Way to Track Forms
Start using data layers to automate and enhance conversion tracking from HTML forms on your website. We have a number of Listeners built for popular form apps, but if you are using Custom HTML Forms or a system we don’t yet support, use this Listener to generate all the data layer activity you need automatically.
Place a single script on your website and identify your forms using a CSS class, ID, or name rule. Next, we’ll Listen for activity from these forms across your website. Then we’ll push this activity into the data layer to power your web analytics using tools like Google Tag Manager.
Customize your data layer and conversion tracking using powerful rules you write inside ListenLayer. Once you realize the power of ListenLayer, you’ll never go back!
Stop Using Thank You Pages
It’s time to stop using “thank you pages” to measure form activity. That method is inaccurate, outdated, and doesn’t allow you to customize or monitor your form analytics with accuracy and segmentation. Instead, the Custom Forms Listener will enable you to accurately track all activity from your forms, based on actual form submissions, using the data layer.
Tracking Forms Using GTM's Data Layer
ListenLayer makes the details of every form load, submission, and validation error available inside the data layer – including each field and the values the user entered.
The data layer is an object that Google Tag Manager reads and uses to enable conversion tracking and analytics. Use GTM to read your data layer activity and send conversion details to all of the marketing platforms you use.

Track All HTML Forms
This Listener can accurately identify and work with any form wrapped inside an HTML form tag on your website. The Listener requires you to identify your forms by writing simple rules inside ListenLayer.
You can write rules to identify forms using the HTML elements that wrap your form (see Form 1 in the code example) or using attributes of the form tag itself (see Form 2 in the code example).
You can always reach out to our support team to assist with your implementation.
<!--Form 1-->
<div id="form-container">
<!--Form 2-->
<form name="form">
Writing Form Rules
Writing rules to identify your forms is simple.
In this image, you can see we’ve written a simple rule that will match either Form 1 or Form 2 from the code example above. These rules allow ListenLayer to accurately focus data layer activity on the form you want to track.

Tracking Forms Inside An iFrame
Track forms that load inside iframes on your website! Place an extra helper script, and ListenLayer will automatically push form activity into the data layer of the parent page.
Form activity includes form loads, submissions, and validation errors.
<!--Place a small helper script here-->
Customize Your Data Layer Activity
Write powerful rules inside ListenLayer to customize your data layer activity, allowing you to categorize forms, name forms, and measure form submission quality based on email addresses – the possibilities are endless!
Once custom values appear in the data layer, use Google Tag manager to capture and use the values in your measurement strategy.
formCustomValues {
formCategory: 'demo',
formName: 'Main Demo Form',
formSubmissionQuality: 'Good'
Ready to Dive In?
See how easy (and powerful) ListenLayer is by opening an account today or requesting a demo.